Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Amanda Grissinger is dispatched to a burglary in progress.  Upon arrival a male is found sitting in a truck in the driveway, who says he’s waiting on his friends whom are still inside the residence.  More people are found inside the garage and residence, but when the story is told… a girlfriend has a key and permission to be there.  There are some strange an intimate relations between everyone involved, including the complainant.  One male is arrested for two counts of drug possession, and the females are allowed to stay.

NameAmanda Grissinger
AgencyPinellas County Sheriffs Office
Station/Area CommandSquad 1
FromPasco County
Why Law EnforcementI grew up wanting to help people. I volunteered in a crisis center before I began Law Enforcement. I saw little kids go through traumatic incidents there and listened to stories of victims of violent crimes. The next step of my mine to help people like this was to become a cop.
First ArrestMy first arrestt was of a guy who goes by the name of Diamond. Diamond was really drunk and was arguing with his neighbor. He picked up a metal pole about 10ft long and began swinging it at his neighbor.  Diamond then chased his neighbor away from his home and down the street with the metal pole. When I spoke with diamond at his residence, there was stuff all over the place. I dont mean just messy, but it was a horrders house. Diamond didnt admit to his actions,  but I had several witnesses who saw what he did. When I arrested diamond and transportation came to get him he played “dead” in my car. Even though diamond was still talking to me while he was laying down in my patrol car playing dead. Diamond started telling me to stop talking to him because hes dead.
Best part of the jobKnowing that at the end of the day my actions effected someone in a positive way.
HobbiesWorking out to keep myself physically fit and spending time with my family.
Favorite QuoteThe handcuffs are tight because they’re new. Don’t worry they will stretch after you wear them a while. Advance Patrol Officer Nathan Jentzen of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department Crime Suppression Unit attempts to makes a traffic stop on a silver car with dark

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