Senior Officers Lu and Breise are dispatched to a home for an unknown problem but are given a few vague details including an elderly man who was seen crawling to a car and screaming that was heard over the phone. Upon arrival, the officers stop a car from leaving the scene and discover that the elderly male driver is both injured and intoxicated. An emotional witness explains to officers that she brought the drunk driver to her home to recover from a previous car accident he caused. However, he became belligerent and began to argue with her housemate over alcohol. The housemate in question admits that the inebriated man spit on him, provoking him to punch the driver and cause the injuries to his face. The driver is adamant that he wants the housemate charged, despite being the one who instigated the fight. After gathering all the facts, officers decide to arrest the housemate on the grounds that he had no right to hit the driver, even if he did have it coming. The housemate is arrested for assault, but he tries to lighten the situation and tells his roommates to enjoy the pork chops he prepared for dinner.
Name | Xiaotian Lu |
Rank | Senior Police Officer |
Agency | Des Moines Police Department |
Station/Area Command | Central District |
Age | 26 |
From | Shanghai, China |
Hired | 08/2012 |
Why Law Enforcement | I was originally a Finance major in college. After working in the finance field for a brief period I felt that I was not impacting the community in a positive way. I looked to law enforcement to utilize my strength in communication to better serve my community. Now instead of sitting at a desk, I am able to be on the streets making a positive difference in the great city of Des Moines. |
First Arrest | I do not fully recall my first arrest, but I remember feeling anxious if I had completed all the necessary paperwork/steps. That was my first experience with the term “paperwork” in the law enforcement field; there is much more paperwork than I ever imagined. |
Best part of the job | The best part of the job is to be able to protect the city that I live in and love. The city/community is, in my opinion, the best place to live! And being able to contribute in the city’s public safety is a great feeling. |
Hobbies | Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family, which consists of my wife and newborn son. We all enjoy traveling (bordering states) and trying new foods. I am an active member on Yelp and am set on my mission to eat at every restaurant in the Des Moines metro. |
Favorite Quote | “It is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in war.” |