Officer Mark Lindsey and Officer Jeff Pittman investigate a truck parked on the side of the road with no plate and a male in the drivers seat. The male occupant states that he’s having issues with the truck and that he’s waiting for a mechanic friend to return from the nearby trailer park to help out. The man begins to act nervous when questioned and is asked to step out of the vehicle. He becomes non compliant and is forcibly removed from the truck. Brass knuckles and two knives are found on his person.

Officers Pittman and Shneider attempt to stop an older Hispanic male riding his bike in the middle of the road. The bicyclist doesn’t stop, rides to a near by apartment and runs inside. After calling out all the subjects that are inside the apartment, Officer Shneider discovers that the bike rider fled out the back door. After searching the neighborhood the bicyclist is located in the bathtub of a near by apartment.

Officers Jeff Pittman and Matt Schneider, of the Glendale Police Department make contact with a male who was walking down the middle of the street. Officer Schneider notices the suspect stuff something down his pants and asks him what he has. As soon as the question is asked, the suspect makes a run for it. The suspect is tackled into a gravel driveway and taken into custody. A small, black plastic bag is discovered in his pants with a few rocks of crack cocaine. The suspect is taken to the hospital to have the injuries sustained when he tried to flee cleaned up.The suspect is arrested for possession and sales of cocaine. 

NameJeff Pittman
AgencyGlendale AZ Police Department
Station/Area CommandGateway NRS
FromEast County San Diego
Why Law EnforcementThis is something I’ve wanted to do since my freshman year in highschool.  I did multiple ride-alongs with El Cajon Police department growing up.  In 2000 I moved to Arizona and was hired by the Arizona Department of Corrections. Then in 2004 Glendale Police Department hired me after I tested with them and several other departments in the valley.
First ArrestMy first arrest was a domestic violance case. When I look back on it, it was a simple husband and wife argruement over a phone call that the male half got while they had been drinking.  The male stated his wife got mad at him and she attempted to hit him so he pushed her away and she knocked over a potted plant.  The wife stated that when she confronted her husband over the phone call he became upset and pushed her.  With the information that was provided to me I arrested the male.
Now because this was my first arrest I was still in training so my biggest fear was screwing things up with my training officer watching.
Best part of the jobThe best part of the job is that I know we are making a difference in peoples lives each day.
HobbiesCamping with the family, playing softball, and watching baseball and football.
Favorite Quote“There’s no crying in baseball!”

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